English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 38

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 38


In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Question 1: We get (1)/ excellent furnitures (2)/ in this shop. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) furniture will replace furnitures because – Plural of furniture is furniture (Uncountable Noun) Hence, excellent furniture is the right usage

Question 2: When I was passing through the forest (1)/ I happened to see (2)/ a number of deers.(3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) Here, a number of deer is the right usage. The Plural of deer is not deers.

Question 3: The Great Wall of China (1)/is the one structure build by man (2)/ visible from the moon.(3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) one of the structures built will replace the one structure build. The event shows a past time.

Question 4: He asked me (1)/ when could I finish (2)/ the work. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) when I could will replace when could I because – in an Interrrogative (Indirect Speech), the sentence changes to an Assertive one. Hence, when I could finish is the right usage

Question 5: Every one (1)/ must sign their full names (2)/ before entering the hall. (3)/No error (4)

Answer : (2) sign his/her full name will replace sign their full names because – everyone. everybody, anybody, are Singular In def. Pronouns. They agree with Singular Possessive Pronouns. Look at the examples given below : Is everyone happy with their gift ? (×) Is everyone happy with his/her gift ? (correct).

Question 6: The children (1)/ laughed at (2)/ the clown. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (4) No error

Question 7: My father, (1)/ though old, (2)/ goes everywhere by foot. (3) No error (4)

Answer : (3) (1) go on foot : walk Hence, goes everywhere on foot is the right usage.

Question 8: I insisted (1)/ on his going (2)/ there immediately.(3)/ No error.(4)

Answer : (4) No error

Question 9: All doubts are cleared (1)/ between (2)/ you and I (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (3) you and me will replace you and I because between is a Prep. A Prep. must be followed by an Indirect object Pronoun. Me is an Indirect Object Pronoun (Objective Case) while I is a Subject Pronoun. (Subjective or Nominative Case) Therefore, between has to be followed by you and me. Look at the examples given below : She went with I. (×) She went with me. (correct) This is between Tom and I. (×) This is between Tom and me. (correct)

Question 10: The children’s dog (1) / slept quietly (2) / in their uncle’s house. (3) / No error. (4)

Answer : (4) No error.

Question 11: When I met him (1)/ the couple of days back (2)/ he was writing a new book. (3)/No error (4)

Answer : (2) a couple of days will replace the couple of days a couple of (something) : a few. Look at the examples given below : We went there a couple of years ago. There are a couple of more files to read. Hence, a couple of days back is the right usage

Question 12: We saw (1)/ sand sculptures (2)/ in the beach. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (3) on the beach will replace in the beach on (Prep.) is used for a surface in (Prep.) is used for an enclosed space Look at the examples given below : I am currently staying in a hotel. The author’s name is on the cover of the book.

Question 13: He walked (1)/ till the (2)/ end of the street. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) to will replace till because – till (Prep., Conj.) : until; up to the time of whereas to (Prep.) indicates in a direction towards.

Question 14: The streets (1)/ are so wet (2)/it should have rained last night. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) may/might will replace should because – may/might (Mod. V.) indicates a possibility. Hence, it might have rained last night is the right usage

Question 15: There are (1) / no poetries (2)/ in my book.(3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) poems will replace poetries because – poetry is used both in Singular and Plural. poems is the Plural of poem. Look at the examples given below : His collection of poems is worth-reading. There was a poetry reading session last evening. Hence, no poems is the right usage

Question 16: I am going (1)/ to have this certificate (2)/ attest by the Director. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (3) attested will replace attest. Hence, attested by the Director is the right usage.

Question 17: I have come (1)/ as soon as (2)/ the customers leave your shop. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (1) As the structure suggests, Future simple i.e., I Shall/will come .... should be used.

Question 18: All works of (1)/ creative writing (2)/ have aesthetics appeal. (3)/ No error (4).

Answer : (3) Aesthetic (Adjective) = concerned with beauty and art and the understanding of beautiful things Hence, have aesthetic appeal should be used here. Aesthetics = the branch of philosophy that studies the principles of beauty in art.

Question 19: You haven’t responded (1)/ to my invitation (2)/ didn’t you ? (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) have will replace didn’t because – a negative statement is followed by a positive tag and it uses the first Aux. V. haven’t is the first Aux.V. Hence, haven’t you is the right usage.

Question 20: A girl must be gracious (1) / if she wishes (2)/ to be a ballerina. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (4) No error.


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