Hund’s rule and Ionization potential and Electron affinity and Electronegativity

Hund’s Rule · Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity states that electron pairing takes place only after all the available degenerate orbitals are occupied by one electron each. Ex: Carbon atom (At.No.: 6) · Carbon atom has six electrons · The first electron goes into the ‘1s’ orbital of k-shell. · The second electron will be paired up with the first in the same ‘1s’ orbital. · Similarly the third and fourth electrons occupy the ‘2s’ orbital of the L-shell. · The fifth electron goes into one of the three ‘2p’ orbitals of L-shell. (2Px) · Since the three ‘p’ orbitals (2Px, 2Py, 2P3 are degenerate) the sixth electron goes into 2Py or 2Pz but not 2Px IONIZATION POTENTIAL or IONIZATION ENERGY · Definition : “Ionization energy or Ionization potential...