Quantum numbers


·      Just as a person is identified by his postal address, the electron in a given atom can be defined with the help of quantum numbers


·      Quantum numbers are small integers by means of which any electron in the atom is completely defined
·      Every Electron in an atom is characterized by a set of four quantum numbers.

The four quantum numbers are

·      1. Principal quantum numbers (n)
·      2. Azimuthal quantum numbers (l)
·      3. Magnetic quantum numbers (m)
·      4. Spin quantum numbers (s) 

The set of quantum numbers are unique


·      Introduced by Neils Bohr
·      Denoted by the letter n
·      Indicates
(a) Energy of electron (b) Size of the orbit
·      It has values 1,2,3,4 etc or also indicated by the letters K,L,M,N etc.
·      Higher the number, the larger the energy possessed by the electron.
·      Maximum number of electrons in are orbit is 2n2

Azimuthal quantum numbers (ℓ)

·      Introduced by Sommerfeld
·      Also called subsidiary quantum (or) angular momentum quantum numbers
·      Denoted by the symbol ‘ℓ’
·      ‘ℓ’ can have all integral values ranging from 0 to (n - 1), i.e. 0,1,2 …. (n - 1)
·      Values ℓ =0,1,2 and 3 are denoted by the letters s,p,d and f respectively.
·      Indicates the main energy shell is made up of sub-shells.
·      ℓ value determines
·      a. shape of an orbital
·      b. angular momentum of electron
·      The shape of
·      s - orbital is spherical
·      p - orbital dumb-bell
·      d - orbital is double dumb-bell
·      f - orbital is four fold dumb-bell 


·      Proposed by Lande
·      Denoted by the symbol ‘m’
·      Values depend on the azimuthal quantum numbers ‘ℓ’
·      m can have values from –ℓ to + ℓ including zero.
·      The numbers of ‘m’ values for a given ‘ℓ’ value is (2 ℓ + 1)


·      Indicates spacial orientation of the orbital
·      Explains zeeman effect, stark effect
·      No. of orbitals present is a sub-shell 


·      Proposed by Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit
·      Electron not only revolve around the nucleus but also rotates around its own axis.
·      This rotation is called spin
·      Spin may be clock wise or anti clock wise direction
·      For clockwise spin, s = +1/2
·      For anti clock wise spin, s = -1/2
·      +1/2 and -1/2 values are designated by two arrows pointing upwards (↑) and downward (↓) respectively


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