Electrical Comparator

Electrical Comparator

  • The principle of these comparators is to convert the linear displacement of the measuring stylus into an electric output
  • Whetstone bridge circuit is used for this comparator
  • When the circuit is balance no current is detected
  • Hence the following condition will exit
  • R1 = R3 R2 R4
  • Electrical Comparators are extremely sensitive and are capable of high magnifications up to 30000.

  • If one of these resistors is varied then imbalance in the circuit will result in a current flow through the galvanometer
  • By arranging the variable resistor a measuring head mechanism is formed
  • The galvanometer may be calibrated to read linear displacement
  • The whetstone bridge circuit is suitable only for D.C supply
  • Although the operating principle is same certain modification is that the resistors are replaced by inductors
  • Two of which are incorporated in the measuring head
  • When the stylus moves vertically, the circuit will become imbalance
  • This is due to the movement of iron armature between the inductors L1 and L2
  • The principle of Electrical comparators is to convert the linear displacement of the measuring stylus into electric output
  • Whetstone bridge circuit is used to measure the linear displacement


  1. PCB Assembly refers to the attaching of electronic components to a printed circuit board. PCBs are used to mechanically connect and support electronic components using conductive pathways, traces or tracks which are etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. PCBA


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