English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 36

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 36


In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Question 1: When I left (1)/ the house at 9 o'clock (2)/ my son was still at home. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (4) No error

Question 2: There is (1)/ only one of his novels (2)/ that are interesting (3)/. No error (4).

Answer : (3) is will replace are because – when a Plural Noun is placed with a Singular Subject (one, each, etc.) with of, the Verb will be Singular. Look at the example given below : Only one of his employees is sincere at work. Only one of his students is awarded the ‘Scholar award’. Hence, that is interesting is the right usage.

Question 3: The hockey match (1)/ between India and Pakistan (2)/ was much exciting. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (3) Here, was very exciting is the right usage. Much is generally used in negative sense.

Question 4: Outside, the rain beats down (1)/ in floods and the sea gives forth (2)/ a sound like an alarm bells. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) Alarm bells = If something sets alarm bells ringing, you mean that it makes people feel worried or concerned about something. Hence, a sound of alarm bells .... should be used.

Question 5: If you had told me(1) / I would have helped you (2) / solve the problem. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (4) No error

 English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 35

Question 6: She had an (1) / miserable existence (2)/living with him.(3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (1) Here, she had a is the right usage as ‘m’ inmiserable is a consonant.

Question 7: The reason Janet came dressed (1) / as Lady Gaga was because she’d been told (2) / it was a costume party (3) / No error (4).

Answer : (2) Here, replace ‘because’ with ‘that’. Hence, as Lady Gaga was that she had been told .... should be used.

Question 8: It is I (1)/who is responsible (2)/ for the delay. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) Here,I is antecedent of relative pronoun-who. Hence, who am responsible should be used here.

Question 9: It is high time (1)/ that we leave (2)/ this place. (3)/No error (4)

Answer : (2) left will replace leave because – We use the following expression – it’s time/it’s high time + Subject + Past Verb form to refer to the present moment Look at the examples given below : It is time we went home. It is high time you went on a diet. Hence, that we left is the right usage

Question 10: I wish to heartily (1)/ congratulate you for (2)/ your astounding success. (3)/No error (4)

Answer : (2) When you congratulate someone on something, you give him your good wishes because something special/pleasant has happened to him. When you congratulate someone for something, you praise him for an achievement. Look at the examples given below : I’d like to congratulate you on your marriage. I’d like to congratulate the staff for their good job. Hence, congratulate you on is the right usage

 English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 37

Question 11: If your coming home tomorrow (1)/ let me know at what time (2)/ I can expect you. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (1) you are will replace your Your is the Possessive Case of you you are is also written as you’re and pronounced in the same way as your Hence, If you are coming home tomorrow is the right usage.

Question 12: Sam is working (1)/ in a bank in Chennai (2)/ for the past five years. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (1) has been workingwill replace is working because – the event started in the past and is still Continuing. Hence, Present Perfect Continuous Tense will be used. Hence, Sam has been working is the right usage.

Question 13: Someone, they don’t know (1)/ who, knocked at (2)/ their door in midnight.(3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) at (Prep.) is used for specifying a particular point in time. Look at the examples given below : Let’s meet for lunch at noon I have a class at eight thirty on Tuesday. Hence, their door at midnight is the right usage.

Question 14: Flowers (1)/that are just picked (2)/begins to rot in 15 seconds. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) begin to rot will replace begins to rot because – a Plural Subject always takes a Plural Verb (Verb without s)

Question 15: The Secretary and the Principal of the college (1)/ are attending (2)/ the District Development Council Meeting at the Collectorate (3)/. No error (4).

Answer : (4) No error.

 English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 38

Question 16: This letter will reach him (1)/before he left (2)/ for Delhi. (3)/ No error.(4)

Answer : (2) leaves will replace left because – When the tense in the Main clause is will/going to (referring to the future), the tense in the Conditional Clause will be in Simple Present.

Question 17: You must either (1)/ be regular with your studies (2)/ and study for longer period before the examination. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) or will replace and because – either - or, neither-nor are correct forms of Correlative Conjunctions, used for showing the relationship between two things or two terms that are different from each other. and (Conj.) is used for showing the relationship between two things/situations that exist together. Look at the examples given below : Either he could not come or he did not want to. I'm going to buy either a scooter or a motorcycle. Do it slowly and carefully. She came in and took her coat off. Hence, or study for longer period before the examination is the right usage.

Question 18: Sudoku was first designed in the 1970s (1)/ by a retired architect (2)/ and freelance puzzle constructor.(3)/No error (4).

Answer : (4) No error.

Question 19: He (1) / loved her (2) / despite of himself. (3) / No error (4)

Answer : (3) Use of of with despite is superfluous. So, despite himself will replace despite of himself

Question 20: Each of these boys (1)/ play games (2)/ in the playground. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) plays will replace play because – each of/everyone of/each one of followed by a Plural Noun/Pronoun agrees with Singular Verb (with s) Hence, plays games is the right usage


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