English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 40

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 40


In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Question 1: The other day my sister told me (1)/ that she will be moving (2)/ to her new apartment very soon.(3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) The Reporting Verb of sentence is in Past Tense Hence, Reported Speech will also be in Past Tense. Hence, that she would be moving is the right usage

Question 2: I want (1) / that you should (2) / perform well. (3) / No error. (4)

Answer : (1) wish/hope will replace want because – if we wish that something should happen. we woould like that something should happen, we would like it to happen, though we know it is not possible to happen. Look at the examples given below : I wish that you should come back to India. I hope that you will come back to India. Hence, I hope/Iwish is the right usage

Question 3: Such rules (1)/ do not apply to (2)/ you and I.(3)/ No error (4).

Answer : (3) you and I is the Object in the sentence, but I is a Subject Pro., so, me (Object Pro.) will replace I (Sub. Pro.) Hence, you and me is the right usage

Question 4: The two first chapters of the book (1)/are very interesting, (2)/the remaining ones are boring. (3)/No error (4)

Answer : (1) It is order related error. Ordinal will come before numeral. Hence, The first two ..... should be used.

Question 5: I had invited (1)/ all my sisterin-laws (2)/ to my son’s birthday party. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) Sister-in-lawÞ Sisters-in-law (Plural) Hence, all my sisters-in-law should be used here.

Question 6: I saw his (1)/ unbelievably really quite (2)/ delightful cottage. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) It is an error of triple adverbs. Hence, unbelievable and really/really unbelievable and quite ...... should be used here.

Question 7: One major reason (1)/ for the popularity of television is (2)/ that most people like to stay at home. (3)/ No error (4).

Answer : (3) most of the people will replace most people because – most is used to mean the majority and is used in front of a Plural Noun which does not have a Det. (the/a) or a Possessive (my/our) in front of it. most of is used in front of a Pronoun or in front of a Noun which has a Det./Possessive in front of it. Look at the examples given below : Most people agree that stealing is wrong. Most of the people enjoy music while reading. Hence, that most of the people like to stay at home is the right usage.

Question 8: Being very dark, (1)/ the visitors found it difficult (2)/ to locate the switch. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (1) It being very dark will replace being very dark This is an error of Unattached subject/Participle A Participle must modify the Subject of the sentence. Look at the examples given below : Having bitten the boy, the farmer killed the snake. (×) This sentence means that it was the farmer who bit the boy and not the snake. It should be, therefore, rewritten as The snake having bitten the boy, the farmer killed it. (correct)

Question 9: You shal l get (1)/ all the informations (2)/ if you read this book carefully. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (2) information will replace informations because – information is both Singular and Plural. Hence, all the information is the right usage

Question 10: The earth moves (1)/ round the Sun. (2)/ Isn’t it ? (3)/. No error. (4)

Answer : (3) doesn’t it will replace isn’t it because – Positive statement (without Aux.) takes Negative Tag (with Aux.) Look at the examples below : You like coffee, do not you ?.

Question 11: By the time (1)/ we got our tickets and entered the cinema theatre, (2)/ the show was already begun. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (3) had already begun will replacewas already begun because – Past Perfect Tense will be used here. Past Perfect Tense is used for showing an action happened in the Past before another event took place. Look at the example given below : By the time I got home yesterday, my mother had already cooked dinner. Hence, the show had already begun is the right usage.

Question 12: The green paint on the wall (1)/ provides a suitable contrast (2)/ with the yellow doors (3)/. No error (4)

Answer : (4) No error

Question 13: The whole block of flats (1)/ including two shops were (2)/ destroyed in fire. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) Expressions such as with, together with, including, accompanied by, in addition to or as well do not change the number of the Subject. Moreover, The whole block of flats is a Singular Subject. Hence, including two shops was is the right usage.

Question 14: Unless you do not give (1)/ the keys of the safe (2)/you will be shot (3)/. No error. (4)

Answer : (1) Unless : if — not. Look at the example given below : You will be sick if you do not stop eating. You will be sick unless you stop eating. Hence, If you do not give is the right usage

Question 15: I went to the temple (1)/ with my parents, my aunts (2)/ and my cousins (3)/. No error. (4)

Answer : (1) I went to temple will replace I went to the temple because – Articles are not used with places like School/ University/Prison/hospital/church unless they refer to a particular one. Look at the examples given below : The church down the street is very old. (a particular church) I go to church every Sunday. (not a particular church)

Question 16: He asked me (1)/ what I am doing (2)/ out in the street at that hour (3)/ No error (4).

Answer : (2) am will be replace by was. In Indirect speech, verb changes according to the reporting verb. As the reporting verb is in Past Tense the verb in the reported speech will also be in Past Tense. Hence, what I was doing is the right usage

Question 17: Ann recieved the promotion instead of Susan (1)/ as Ann is senior than Susan in age (2)/ though Susan had worked there before Ann. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) It is Preposition related error. The words superior, senior, junior, prior, etc. take to and not than Hence, as Ann is senior to Susan in age is the right usage.

Question 18: I sat down opposite him (1)/ and produced (2)/ the packet of cigarettes. (3)/ No error (4).

Answer : (3) a will replace the because – the packet of cigarrettes is a general commodity here, so, the (def. Art.) will not be used. Instead, a (Indef. Article) will be used. Here, produced (Verb) means to bring forth

Question 19: If you hear (1)/ engaged tone (2)/ replace the receiver and dial again. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (2) an/the (Articles) will be used before engaged.

Question 20: In the fourth semester (1)/ of the course, the (2)/ attendance fell down.(3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) fell will replace fell down because – fell (Verb) : to decrease fell down (Verb) : to drop down from a higher level to a lower level Look at the examples given below : He fell down and fractured his wrist. Their profits have fallen by 30 per cent. Hence, attendance fell is the right usage.


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