English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 43

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 43


In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Question 1: We shall wait (1)/ till you (2)/ will finish your lunch. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (3) Use of will is incorrect. after until/till, we use Present Tense to talk about the future. Hence, finish your lunch will replace will finish your lunch

Question 2: Pacific Ocean is (1) / the deepest ocean (2)/ in the world. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (1) The Pacific Ocean will replace Pacific Ocean because – the (Def. Art.) is used before the names of Oceans, mountain ranges, rivers, seas, etc. (Geographical features)

Question 3: Mahatma Gandhi remained (1)/ a man of principles (2)/ all through his life. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (4) No error.

Question 4: A well-balanced diet (1)/ is essential for (2)/ good health. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (4) No error.

Question 5: They were having (1)/ a birthday party at home (2)/ next week. (3)/No error (4)

Answer : (1) are going to have will replace were having because – going to is used when we want to talk about a plan for the future. Look at the examples given below : We are going to have lunch after 2:00 p.m. They are going to launch it next month. Hence, They are going to have is the right usage

Question 6: The social activist (1)/ was murder (2)/ in cold blood.(3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) murdered will replace murder because – the sentence indicates a Past event in Passive Voice. Hence, was murdered is the right usage.

Question 7: Ravi (1)/ told to his friend (2)/ to buy a car. (3)/ No error. (5)

Answer : (2) told will replace told to because – to (Prep.) is not used with told. said to means told. Look at the examples given below : I told her that you were coming. (correct) I told to her that you were coming. (×) Hence, told his friend is the right usage.

Question 8: IIM Calcatta’s MBA programme (1)/ is regarded (2)/ as the finest in the country. (3)/ No error (4).

Answer : (3) the finest in the country/as one of the finest in the country is the right usage

Question 9: It is I (1)/who is to blame.(2)/for this bad situation(3)./ No error.(4)

Answer : (2) am will replace is because – when the Subject of the Verb is a Relative Pronoun (who), the Verb (is) agrees in Number and Person with the Antecedent of the Rel. Pro. A Noun/Pronoun which comes before a Rel. Pro. is called Antecedent. Here, I is the Antecedent of who (Rel. Pro.) with I so, am is used. Hence, who am to blame is the right usage.

Question 10: On last Sunday (1)/ I met my friend (2)/ accidentally. (3)/ No error (4).

Answer : (1) Use of on is incorrect. Last Sunday will replace On last Sunday

Question 11: After you will returns (1)/ from New Delhi (2)/ I will meet you (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (1) After you return will replace After you will returns because – In Conditional clauses will is not used. The Verb in the clause (Conditional) is in the Simple Present Tense. Look at the examples given below : If you go to London, youcan visit the British Museum. You’ll get fatter if you eat too much.

Question 12: It was fortunate (1) / all of the inmates escaped (2) from the blazing fire. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (2) Here, that all the inmates escaped is the right usage. Use of – of (Prep.) is unnecessary

Question 13: I would (1)/ accept the offer (2)/ if I were you. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (4) No error.

Question 14: He will not be able (1)/ to cope up with (2)/ the pressure of work. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) to cope with will replace to cope up with. Use of up is superfluous. to cope with (Idiom) : to deal successfully with something difficult Look at the examples given below : Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat. He wasn’t able to cope with the pressure at home.

Question 15: Make what you write (1)/ and say more (2)/ absorbed and engrossing. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) Here, absorbing and engrossing (interesting) is the right usage.

Question 16: I and him (1)/ are (2)/ very good friends. (3)/No error (4).

Answer : (1) he will replace him because – when the Pronouns serve the same function, they share the same case form. He and I are friends. (Pronouns act as Subject and are in Nominative Case) They talked with him and me. (Pronouns act as objects and are in Objective Case) Hence, He and I is the right usage

Question 17: Many a man (1)/ have come to India from Bangladesh (2)/to live here permanently. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (2) Many a/an + Noun and More than one + Noun are always followed by a Singular Verb. Hence, has come to India is the right usage

Question 18: I saw him (1)/a couple of times (2)/ since May(3). /No error (4)

Answer : (1) have seen will replace saw because – Since (Prep.) : from a time in the past until a later past time, or until now, used with the Present Perfect or Past Perfect Tense. Look at the examples given below : She has been off work since Tuesday. He has been working in a bank since leaving school. Hence, I have seen him is the right usage

Question 19: Every member of the committee (1)/ have been present (2)/at all the meetings. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) Here, Every member .... is a singular subject. Hence, has been present should be used.

Question 20: The chairs in the (1)/room are in a (2)/ state disarray. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) (1) disarray (N.) : a state of confusion and lack of organisation Hence, state of disarray is the right usage.


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