English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 44

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 44


In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Question 1: When I went there (1)/ Charles is playing (2) / a game of chess.(3) / No error (4)

Answer : (2) was will replace is because – the sentence indicates a Past event and so, Past Continuous will be used. Hence, Charles was playing is the right usage

Question 2: Even if he was (1)/ a God, (2)/ would not trust him. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (1) The sentence shows subjunctive mood of verb. Hence, plural verb i.e. even if he were ... should be used.

Question 3: On the arrival of the mail, (1)/ the car finally (2)/ made the start. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (3) make a start (Id.) : the act or process of beginning. Look at the examples given below : She is moving abroad to make a fresh start. I will paint the ceiling if youmake a start on the walls. Hence, made a start is the right usage

Question 4: My brother (1) / along with his friends (2) / are going on a tour. (3) / No error (4)

Answer : (3) Here, Subject is Singular-My brother, not his friends (Plural). Hence, Singular Verb i.e. is going on a tour is the right usage.

Question 5: The reason for (1)/ his failure is because (2)/ he did not work hard. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) Here, Connective-that should be used. It is improper to use reason and because together. Hence, his failure is that is the right usage.

Question 6: Short stories and poems (1)/of varying quality (2)/appears in dailies and periodicals (3)/. No error (4)

Answer : (3) appear will replace appears because – Short stories and poems is a Compound Subject; Compound Subjects joined by and or both ___ and are Plural and take a Plural Verb (without s) Hence, appear in dailies and periodicals is the right usage. Look at the examples given below : Dolphins and elephants are intelligent animals. Both men and women enjoy yoga.

Question 7: Of the billions of stars in the galaxy, (1)/ how much are (2)/ suitable for life (3)/?. No error. (4)

Answer : (2) many will replace much because – Stars are Countable Nouns and many is used with Countable Nouns whereas much is used with Uncountable Nouns. Look at the examples given below : There was too much traffic on the road. Many people feel that the law should be changed. Hence, how many are is the right usage

Question 8: Unless it is accepted to both the parties, an (1)/ arbitrator would be of no (2)/ use to settle this dispute. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (1) acceptable will replace accepted/by will replace to because accepted (Verb) : to agree/approve of something acceptable (Adj.) : agreed/approved by most people in a society; agreeable; capable of being accepted Look at the examples given below : The princess accepted the offer. (Active Voice) The offer was accepted by the princess. (Passive Voice) The offer was acceptable to the princess. Hence, acceptable to/accepted by will be used. Hence, Unless it is accepted by/ acceptable to both the parties, an is the right usage

Question 9: Essay writing is an art (1)/ that requires many planning (2)/ on the part of the writer. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) many : used for Countable Nouns a number of Hence, that requires much planning is the right usage.

Question 10: Susan said that she shall (1)/ try to attempt the task (2)/ to the best of her ability.(3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (1) Here, Reporting Verb (said) is in Past Tense. Hence, Verb of Reported Speech should be in Past Tense i.e. Susan said that she would is the right usage would (Aux.) is used to express desire/intent

Question 11: I am very anxious (1)/to know how are you (2)/and mother are doing. (3)/No error (4)

Answer : (2) Here, Affirmative i.e, to know how you is the right usage. Use of are is superfluous.

Question 12: He’d no sooner (1)/ seen one continent (2)/ when he saw another. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) No sooner ....... than is correct form of Correlative. Hence, than he saw another is the right usage.

Question 13: I sprained my ankle (1)/ when I was (2)/ playing basketball. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (4) No error

Question 14: The fight for liberation (1)/ brings out the best and (2)/ a noblest quality in mankind. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (3) Before Superlative degree the (Article) is used. Hence, the noblest quality in mankind is the right usage.

Question 15: He learnt (1) / the alphabets (2)/ at the age of four. (3) / No error (4)

Answer : (2) Alphabet = a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used for writing a language. Hence, (the) alphabet .... should be used here.

Question 16: Neither the girl nor her parents (1)/ was present (2)/ to receive the award. (3)/ No error. (4)

Answer : (2) were will replace was because – neither ___ nor (Correlative Conjunctions) is used, the Verb agrees with the nearest Subject Hence, were present is the right usage.

Question 17: No sooner did I finish (1)/ my speech, I was subjected (2)/ to a barrage of questions. (3)/ No error.(4)

Answer : (2) than will be used before I No sooner ___ than (Correlatives) are used for saying that something happens immediately after something else.

Question 18: The poet (1)/ describes about (2)/ the spring season (3)/. No error (4)

Answer : (2) describes will replace describes about because – describe (Verb) : to say about something/someone. Use of about is superfluous.

Question 19: The company has ordered(1) / some (2) / new equipments.(3) / No error.(4)

Answer : (3) equipment will replace equipments because equipment is both singular and Plural. Hence, new equipment is the right usage.

Question 20: The beautiful (1)/ surrounding of the place (2)/ enchanted me. (3)/ No error (4)

Answer : (2) surroundings will replace surrounding because – surrounding is an Adj. that means the area around, Surroundings is a Noun that means everything that is around or near somebody/something Look at the examples given below : The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings. From the top of the hill you can see all the surrounding countryside. Hence, surroundings of the place is the right usage


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