
English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 43

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 43 In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error. Question 1: We shall wait (1)/ till you (2)/ will finish your lunch. (3)/ No error. (4) Answer Answer : (3) Use of will is incorrect. after until/till, we use Present Tense to talk about the future. Hence, finish your lunch will replace will finish your lunch Question 2: Pacific Ocean is (1) / the deepest ocean (2)/ in the world. (3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (1) The Pacific Ocean will replace Pacific Ocean because – the (Def. Art.) is used before the names of Oceans, mountain ranges, rivers, seas, etc. (Geographical features) Question 3: Mahatma Gandhi remained (1)/ a man of principles (2)/ all through his life. (3)/ No error. (4) Answ

English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 42

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 42 In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error. Question 1: The beautiful, young girl (1)/ jumped in the river (2)/ in a state of depression. (3)/ No error (4). Answer Answer : (2) It is preposition related error. Hence, jumped into the river (motion) is the right usage in (Prep.) is used talk about position. into (Prep.) is used to suggest that people/things move from an outdoor space into an indoor space. Look at the sentences : She was walking in the garden. (position) She walked into her house. (movement) Question 2: When one hears of the incident (1)/ about the plane crash (2)/ he feels very sorry. (3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (1) an will replace the because – no particular inciden

English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 41

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 41 In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error. Question 1: She was ill for five days (1)/ when the doctor (2)/ was sent for. (3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (1) The work continued in the past for a period of time. Hence, Past Perfect Continuous i.e. She had been ill for five days is the right usage Question 2: The behaviour of young (1)/ boys are the subject of (2)/ comment the world over. (3)/ No error (4) Directions (663-667) : In the following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, then your answer is (4) i.e. No error. (SSC CGL Tier-I Re

English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 40

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 40 In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error. Question 1: The other day my sister told me (1)/ that she will be moving (2)/ to her new apartment very soon.(3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (2) The Reporting Verb of sentence is in Past Tense Hence, Reported Speech will also be in Past Tense. Hence, that she would be moving is the right usage Question 2: I want (1) / that you should (2) / perform well. (3) / No error. (4) Answer Answer : (1) wish/hope will replace want because – if we wish that something should happen. we woould like that something should happen, we would like it to happen, though we know it is not possible to happen. Look at the examples given below : I wish that you should c

English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 39

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 39 In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error. Question 1: They persisted (1)/ on their going (2)/ inspite of rain. (3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (2) Persist = to continue to do something despite difficulties or opposition. Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened? Hence, in their going.... should be used. Question 2: The Hindu is (1)/ most popular, than any other (2)/ newspaper in India.(3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (2) more will replace most because – Comparison has been made here. Hence, more popular than any other is the right usage. Question 3: The old man was (1)/ overwhelmed for joy at (2)/ the success of his only son. (3)/ No error. (4) Answer Answer : (2)

English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 38

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 38 In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error. Question 1: We get (1)/ excellent furnitures (2)/ in this shop. (3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (2) furniture will replace furnitures because – Plural of furniture is furniture (Uncountable Noun) Hence, excellent furniture is the right usage Question 2: When I was passing through the forest (1)/ I happened to see (2)/ a number of deers.(3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (3) Here, a number of deer is the right usage. The Plural of deer is not deers. Question 3: The Great Wall of China (1)/is the one structure build by man (2)/ visible from the moon.(3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (2) one of the structures built will replace the one stru

English grammar error spotting finding correction exercise Practise set 37

English grammar error spotting correction exercises practice set 37 In the following English grammar error spotting questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error. Question 1: Patience as well as perseverance (1)/are necessary (2)/for success. (3)/ No error/(4). Answer Answer : (2) is will replace are because – when the Subject is separated from the Verb by expressions like – as well as, along with, etc. The Subject is considered to be in Singular. Hence, Singular Verb will be used. Look at the examples given below : The politician, along with the journalist, is expected tomorrow. Excitement, as well as nervousness, is the cause of her stutter. Question 2: The navel officers (1)/ successfully fought the pirates (2)/ who had looted and plundered for many years. (3)/ No error (4) Answer Answer : (1) (1) nav